720 Sandalwood - WDL-2024-023

Application Number: 
Notice Date: 
Wednesday, June 12, 2024
Comment Deadline: 
Friday, July 19, 2024
Project Type: 
Land Use/Planning
Project Status: 
Under Review

The applicant proposed to subdivide a 5.56-acre lot in the Flood Way into 39 lots with townhomes with an additional lot to serve as a vegetation buffer between the residences and the Lewis River and another to hold the stormwater pond. The proposal also involves new streets with sidewalks, utilities (stormwater, sanitary sewer, water, electrical, gas, TV, internet), driveways, patios, porches, stormwater outfall, a pump station, fire hydrant, and 18,000 cubic yards of fill and grade.


Hearing Date: July 31, 2024 @ 10:00 A.M.