Clark County - Cardai Hill Rock Quarry

Project Type: 
Land Use/Planning
Project Status: 

Clark County received an application for a Surface Mining Overlay designation for a potential rock quarry to be located on Parcel: 254798000 - Township 5N, Range R1E, SW ¼ Section of Sec.17.

The Clark County Planning Commission held a work session on December 1st, 2022 and a public hearing December 15th, 2022. (See the link below for access to the agendas and recordings for both meetings.)

The Clark County Planning Commission made a motion to recommend approval of the request. That motion was defeated by a vote of 2-3. Because the motion failed to pass, the request will be forwarded to the Clark County Council with no recommendation. No timeline was established for this request to be heard by the Clark County Council.

At their February 6th, 2023 regularly scheduled meeting, the Woodland City Council adopted Resolution 757 voicing opposition to any surface mining designation without full consideration of impacts. A copy of the signed resolution is attached below and has been forwarded to the Clark County council member for District 5 and the County Administrator with a request that it be included in the record for the appeal of the Cardai Hill Rock Quarry request.

City Mayor Will Finn submitted a formal letter requesting Cowlitz County Commissioners review the case and join the city in opposition to the Cardai Hill SMO request. A copy of this letter has been attached below. (Please note: The Cowlitz letter was in limbo due to the withdrawal of the SEPA decision. The city will re-engage the County when an EIS has been prepared for review.)

UPDATE (5 April 2023): The Clark County Department of Community Planning has withdrawn their Determination of Non-Significance and issued a Determination of Significance.   Those documents are attached below.  This is likely to mean that the request will be pulled from Clark County's docket for 2023.  Please review the documents below and keep informed about the County's process. 

UPDATE (26 April 2023): The City submitted comments to Clark County as part of the EIS scoping process. A copy of that correspondence is attached below.

UPDATE (19 June 2024): Clark County has determined the application to be expired and closed the case. See the letter below.

The City of Woodland will attempt to keep up on this process and keep our page up to date so check back periodically. Thank you for your patience.

PLEASE NOTE: Complaints and comments filed with the City of Woodland will not be compiled and forwarded to Clark County. Anyone who wants to comment on the merit of this request should contact Clark County directly. Thank you. 

Status Updates

Clark County has determined the request has expired and closed the case. Until the county updates it comprehensive plan, no new applications like the proposed request will be accepted. Please see the attached letter below.