Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (Volunteer)

Job Status: 
Open - open and accepting applications

The City of Woodland is seeking volunteers to serve on the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee. There are two (2) vacancies on the 2023 committee for members that “pay the tax” which are hotel/motels. There are also two (2) vacancies for members that use the tax for activities. They are for 4 year terms. The members are nominated by the Mayor and appointed by City Council. The Committee consists of 5 members:


  • 2 members that are representatives of businesses located in the city and required to collect the tax (per RCW 67.28 and 82.08-hotels, motels and RV parks);

  • 2 members that are representatives of individuals or entities in the city and involved in activities authorized to be funded by revenue received from the tax (per RCW67.28)

An elected official of the council to serve as Committee Chair and alternate. The LTAC shall meet to review proposals from parties interested in competing for estimated lodging tax funds available in the following year. The LTAC shall determine by majority vote which, if any, of the proposals to recommend to the city council for funding and in what individual amounts.


Click on the application below to apply for this volunteer position.