Horseshoe Lake Test Results

Picture of Horseshoe Lake Park

The City takes samples from Horseshoe Lake and tests for one or more of the following E.Coli, Phosphorous, and Chlorophyll. We also take a "Secchi" reading for water clarity and temperature readings. We pull water samples near buoy 2 (near the swim area) and buoy 3 (the mid point of the lake). In the winter months we do periodic testing because of lower temperatures, increased river flows, and reduced public usage of the lake. The total phosphorus is an early indicator of conditions that could lead to algae blooms.

Water Testing Schedule
Month Phosphorous (TP) Chlorophyll a E. coli
January 2 Locations none none
February none none none
March 2 Locations none none
April none none none
May 2 Locations 2 Location 1 Locations
June 2 Locations 2 Locations 1 Locations
July 2 Locations 2 Locations 1 Locations
August 2 Locations 2 Locations 1 Locations
September 2 Locations 2 Locations 1 Locations
October none none none
November 2 Locations none none
December none none none


For more information about algae in lakes, click on the links below.